Patching Services

Quarterly Patching Service for Operating Systems & Hardware

We offer a quarterly patching service for operating systems and hardware where all key servers are updated with the latest patch and firmware releases.

This service is particularly useful for those devices that tend to be ignored after initial deployments and can reduce downtime if problems occur (as these updates will not need to be loaded retrospectively). Often, the importance of these updates is overlooked, much to the detriment of the business. We can safely apply the necessary patches in a controlled fashion outside of normal business hours, ensuring that we put a regression plan in place.

Quarterly Patching

Quarterly patching takes place once per quarter and we apply any essential updates or security patches to servers and systems that are commonly running 24/7. Regular patching provides the business with an opportunity to ensure essential systems are kept up to date at regular intervals without causing unnecessary disruption to business operations.

What this service includes:

  1. Patching of the Hypervisor OS and Management
  2. Infrastructure patching includes:
    • Servers
    • SANs
    • Switches
  1. We work at pre-arranged, convenient times on weekends – each quarter
  2. Required downtime is always pre-arranged

Virtual Server Patching

We are also able to patch virtual servers at the same time, for an additional fee.

IT Support Insights

Protecting your corporate WiFi

How secure is your network? Modern businesses that require different forms of connectivity and functionality, could be exposing their wireless network to unnecessary risk without proper firewall configuration. Firewalls protect...

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