Cyber Security Services

Cyber Essentials & Cyber Essentials Plus

A government backed scheme that helps you to protect your business against a wide variety of cyber threats.

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials has been developed as part of the UK’s National Cyber Security Programme and aims to encourage businesses of any size to take steps towards achieving a baseline of cyber security. It is believed that implementing the required controls could shield companies from up to 80% of the most common internet threats.

ASL can help you achieve Cyber Essentials Certification by assisting with your assessment, ensuring all criteria is met, and liaising with the certification body on your behalf. Organisations with a turnover of less than £20 million that are certified automatically receive cyber insurance* once they achieve Cyber Essentials certification. Certification means that you can minimise the risk of downtime, avoid hefty fines and gain a competitive advantage and will allow you to demonstrate that you are:

CEP- Certified 1
allows your company to advertise that you adhere to a government endorsed standard
CEP- Secure 2
your customers will have the assurance that you have cyber security standard security measures in place
CEP- Aware 3
of your organisation’s cyber security position
CEP- Registered 4
your company is registered on the Cyber Essentials Directory
CEP- Confident 5
that you have defences in place to help protect your company from common cyber attacks

*Terms & conditions apply

Cyber Essentials & government contracts

Adopting Cyber Essentials has become a major requirement to win business in many sectors. It is worth noting that the government requires certain suppliers tendering for contracts to be Cyber Essentials certified.

Cyber Essentials Plus

Cyber Essentials Plus is a more in-depth assessment and require s the company to pass an onsite or remote vulnerability assessment, performed by the certification body. ASL would conduct our own pre-assessment scan, provide guidance and advice whilst co-ordinating with the certification body.

Key areas include; configuration of devices capable of connecting
to the internet, user access control, use of anti-virus software with malware protection, keeping operating systems up-to-date and ensure there is a tested backup solution in place.


Antivirus Compliance


Malware Protection


Up to date software and patching, policies & procedures

Cyber Essentials Plus can also include:


Network Vulnerabilities


Technical Audit


PEN Testing

*You will need to complete your assessed Cyber Essentials Plus audit within three months of your Cyber Essentials basic certification.

Cyber Essentials Plus and larger organisations

The Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation may be required by some larger organisations where there is a greater degree of data and systems management.

Cyber Security Insights

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