Cyber-attack – why having no backup and continuity plan could be terminal for your business

Cyber-attack – why having no backup and continuity plan could be terminal for your business

Your small business is now the preferred target of the cyber-criminal

UK businesses still have a lot to do regarding effective backup and continuity planning in the event of a cyber-attack. Despite the clear rise in documented cyber-crimes against UK Businesses, a worrying number remain ignorant to the severity of the risk.

Many incorrectly conclude that it will never happen, choosing to believe that their size or niche would not be of any interest to the cyber-criminal. However, failure to take the appropriate steps to adequately protect yourself could result in costing you more than just money.

What are the most common forms of cyber-attack?

Your enterprise can be targeted in a number of ways; the most common being:

  • hacking/spoofing
  • phishing/spear phishing
  • malware
  • DoSA
  • ransomware.

Any network, large or small can be open to attack. But if it is not continually monitored, patched or updated, you are leaving yourself vulnerable to developing exploitable weaknesses. Consequently, you could face your data being encrypted, damaged, lost or stolen, which could have disastrous implications, particularly if sensitive personal information is involved.

Prioritise acting now, and protect yourself from cyber-attack

EU regulations implemented in 2018 govern the protection of personal data. Not taking cyber-security seriously could mean non-compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This, in turn, could result in a fine for your business, which could be as much as 4% of your turnover. Obviously, this could be catastrophic for any business, which is why being proactive about cyber-security and planning for a cyber-attack is a must. The action you can take now includes:

  • updating your passwords
  • installing the latest versions of antivirus/malware software
  • regularly updating software/patching
  • training your staff to make them aware
  • enlisting the help of a professional to effectively identify vulnerabilities, detect and stop attacks and planning for continuity in the event of the worst happening.

ASL can help you protect your business from attack

Data that has been researched and published by our partner, Symantec, identifies how small businesses are being targeted with spear phishing. More than 52.4% of all reported attacks, where an apparently trusted email is used to elicit personal information from the recipient, were against SMEs. The statistics clearly demonstrate that hackers are very aware that a smaller business is less likely to defend itself as vigorously as larger ones, and will take advantage wherever possible. However, by combining our expertise in cyber-security with that of Symantec, we can help you:

  • plan for disaster and assist with continuity services
  • advise on how Cloud technologies can help with security
  • recommend tailored cyber security solutions in line with your specific needs and budget

The main issue is lack of awareness of the threat as well as the consequences of doing nothing to mitigate it. As experts in systems monitoring and cyber-security, we can help you identify how your business is most likely to be targeted and where the weakest points are in your network that could be easily exploited.

Ignoring the problem, and failing to take any action could prove terminal for your business.

To discuss how best to protect your business from the increasing threat of cyber-attack, call us on 0345 862 0350 or email

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