Ensuring business continuity after a DDoS attack

Keeping your business running after a Distributed Denial of Service attack.

Throughout 2016 there was a significant rise in serious DDoS attacks, with many large organisations including; PayPal, Twitter, GitHub, and Spotify having reported disruption to their online services.

In 2017, we expect to see a rise in the number of organisations targeted for financial gain, as it’s predicted that the increased use of IoT and mobile devices will open the door to attack. Today, the resources often used to increase business flexibility and agility, can unfortunately also increase cyber-threat and attacks, these include:

  • increased employee use of mobile devices
  • virtualized computing infrastructure
  • increased texting and emailing of employees outside of work
  • employees working from home or remote locations.

Is your business prepared for a DDoS attack?

A Distributed Denial of Service attack happens when a machine is targeted by other maliciously corrupted systems. The purpose is to cause your IT infrastructure to crash, ultimately resulting in your business shutting down.

The reasons behind attacks vary and are not limited solely to financial gain. Attackers may want to steal data or be motivated by revenge, as in the case of a disgruntled employee, or they might simply want to demonstrate their knowledge and skill in launching an attack.

Reports in the media of DDoS attacks against well-known brands, mean that most of us are well aware of the level of disruption they cause. Despite this, few organisations have a business continuity plan in place.

If your business was attacked today, how confident are you that you would be up and running again with minimal delay?

The impact of a DDoS attack can have far-reaching consequences.

The vast majority of businesses rely on IT systems to operate, and uninterrupted access to the Internet is fundamental to our digital economy. Any break in service, for whatever reason and however temporary, has an immediate impact on your bottom line. In addition, reputations are quickly damaged and client confidence diminished.

ASL – keeping your business up and running 24/7/365

In order to safeguard against DDoS attacks and ensure the continuity of your business, it’s extremely important to be prepared. As business continuity can only really be guaranteed with professionally implemented backup and recovery services, the advice is to seek assistance from ASL.

We have 20 years of specialist knowledge and expertise in ensuring our customers are prepared for cyber-crime. In the event of such an attack, with backup and recovery in place, you can be up and running again with minimum disruption and loss.

To find out more about ensuring business continuity after a cyber-attack, call us at ASL on 0345 862 0350. 

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