Pure Innovations

ASL have supported Pure since their inception and manage their entire IT and communications portfolio. We provide a hosted private cloud and support approximately 150 users across 18 sites.

Louise Parrot-Bates (CEO) and this to say about us: ASL have been our ICT support since we established our charity Pure Innovations in June 2005. We currently employ over 240 staff across the Greater Manchester area. Over 150 of those staff require IT equipment to be able to do their jobs – they need to be connected and supported with any daily IT issues they may encounter. Our staff’s IT skills and knowledge is vastly variable – making the demands on ASL unpredictable. They have supported our teams to effective remote workers and addressing issues that arise daily in a prompt effective manner. They have supported the relocation of premises to ensure we have the correct infrastructure to be operational and effective.

Vision Support Services

ASL have been working with Vision since 2007 and manage their entire IT estate. Vision was purchased by a US multinational in 2019 and ASL were retained to deliver a

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North Edge Capital LLP

ASL have worked with NorthEdge since 2011 providing a hosted server private cloud, supporting over 50 users across Manchester, Birmingham, Manchester, and Leeds. In 2020, ASL conducted a full Cyber

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K3 Capital Group PLC

ASL provide a private cloud environment to support their web-based software solutions (also developed by ASL). We presently provide hosting, software development, and application support to over 200 users. In

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Accrol Group Holding

ASL were parachuted into Accrol with a brief to stabilise the IT environment and support them during a technology refresh. The majority of their infrastructure is onsite which we manage

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