IT Consultancy

IT Consultancy

We provide consultation and auditing services on your existing hardware, network infrastructure, software and licensing.

By reviewing your existing infrastructure we can help you understand and advise on any changes the business requires. This could involve upgrading existing servers, introduction of new technologies, better management of existing systems or support of the system as it currently stands.

Software Asset Management (SAM) Reviews and Audits

We are qualified to guide you through a SAM audit making sure you comply with the latest requirements.

IT Policies and ISO Certification

As part of our consultancy services, we assess the effectiveness and compliance of your IT policies, highlight the need for revisions and provide recommendations to strengthen your businesses IT governance and security. We also offer staff training in Data Security and Basic Data Protection.

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IT Support Insights

Protecting your corporate WiFi

How secure is your network? Modern businesses that require different forms of connectivity and functionality, could be exposing their wireless network to unnecessary risk without proper firewall configuration. Firewalls protect...

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